Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Daisy: Death to Reborn

February 29, 2012

October 2011
I was very excited when I got the daisy from my boyfriend few months ago, but I always forgot to water the plant because I was busy working (& Laziness..).
It dies few months later and I felt so bad about its death... 

Dead Plants in Jan 6 2012
 When I picked up the dead leaves and wanted to replant something else, I found out there's one little seedling growing in the center of the pot within the dead leaves!
I am so excited and promised I promised myself to be more responsible to my daisy.

REBORN. Jan 6 2012
I added water once every 2 days. Sometimes I water it through the soil and let water leak out, but don't do that too much or else the nutrients will lost.
Daisy doesn't need too much water but a lot of sunlight. I put my plant at the balcony, which receives a lot of sunlight at noon (11am - 2pm) 

Feb 2012.
(I will update you about the little plant behind the daisy in another post.)
I added some egg shells in the soil as fertilizer
Egg shells are cheap and healthy for the plant. Also they are eco-friendly to the environment.

Egg shells have 93% of Calcium Carbonate,1% nitrogen and about a half-percent phosphoric acid. These elements make egg shells practical fertilizer. 

Calcium is an essential plant nutrient which plays a fundamental part in cell manufacture and growth. Most roots must have some calcium at the growing tips. 
Plant growth removes large quantities of calcium from the soil, and calcium must be replenished, so eggshells can give the plant calcium from calcium carbonate.
It is ideal to recycle your eggshells.

It takes about 2 months for the plant to regrow from little seedling to a plant with more leaves.
Remember to cut the yellow leaves away and let the new ones to grow, and your plant can produce more leaves.


The daisy is my motivation to open a blog and share my happiness.
Looking at my daisy trying hard to survive without water, I felt encouraged to do anything.

When you think it will be the end of your world, don't simply give up and move forward.
You will see more opportunities waiting.
You will be your daisy.

Jane C.
Environmental Science B.S. | UCLA Class of 2012

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